How Do I Choose a Supplement?

The Basic Supplements If you only want to supplement your diet with the absolute basics, this article is for you. Most Americans do not get their basic micro nutrient needs met by food intake alone. Supplements become necessary to fill this gap. When it comes to supplementation, there is what I refer to as the […]
Thinking About a Posture Brace?
If your employment involves sitting or standing for longer periods, you more than likely have experienced neck and upper back pain. Maybe even headaches or arm/hand numbness. Unfortunately, in today’s world this is more common than not. This type of work will often cause poor posture, leading to neck and shoulder pain, or worse yet, […]
Does Chiropractic Help Migraines?
Can a Chiropractor Relieve Headaches? For decades, chiropractic adjustments have been the treatment of choice for headaches and migraines. New research has demonstrated improvement in frequency, duration, and intensity of migraines when treated with chiropractic adjustments. Other types of headaches, such as tension and sinus-related, have shown tremendous reductions following a visit to the chiropractor. […]
Dry Needling For Sciatica
Can Dry Needling Help Relieve Sciatica? Depending on cause and severity, dry needling is a safe option prior to expensive imaging or procedures. This relatively new treatment option has been very beneficial in relieving many types of muscular or joint issues. Before we go any further, let’s clarify a few points. What is sciatica and […]
What is Your Vision For a Healthy Lifestyle?
Do you have an end result in mind when seeing a Chiropractor? Many patients seeking help or advice from a chiropractor or other health professional have no clear vision for what they want to accomplish. Some may say they just want pain relief. Others, the ability to return to work or sports. Still, many would […]
How to Choose a Chiropractor
How to Choose the Right Chiropractor for You The easiest way to choose a qualified chiropractor is through a referral from another medical professional or from a personal referral from a friend. It’s always valuable to utilize the advice of a person with first hand information when selecting this type of healthcare provider. You […]
A Natural Treatment For Arthritis
Turmeric: A Natural Spice For The Treatment Arthritis (CurĀcuma domestica, Curcuma) Many of my readers at The Rapid City Chiropractor have probably never heard of Turmeric, much less the health benefits of this spice. I have recently visited with more and more patients who have found significant relief from neck, back, or joint pain by […]
Living Healthy
Today I would like to touch on a few topics which might make it a little easier to eat better and stay healthier. Hopefully, you will find these tips interesting and incorporate them into your daily ritual. The first topic I would like to touch on is GMO’s. Mainly because it is an important and […]