What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?
A chiropractic adjustment is a procedure performed by a specialist (chiropractor) to restore motion to a fixated joint or segment of the spine. It is performed either manually by hand, or with a small adjusting instrument.
Three of the more common symptoms relieved by an adjustment are neck pain, headaches, and lower back pain.
A chiropractic adjustment is different from a spinal manipulation in that the adjustment is more specific and precise. It is much more than “cracking a bone”.
What does a chiropractic adjustment do?
As stated earlier, it restores motion to a restricted joint or vertebrae. The adjustment often causes a “pop” or cavitation. This noise is the release of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide from the joint. This reaction will often cause immediate relief or minor spasming if the affected area is tight or guarded. After a chiropractic adjustment, ice will usually relieve any associated discomfort.
How do I find a doctor near me who performs chiropractic adjustments?
If you are in the Rapid City or Black Hills area, Dr Greg Gruba is a chiropractor with over 25 years experience in adjusting procedures.