If you are new to South Dakota or Eastern Wyoming, one of the first things you may be looking for is a chiropractor. Whether you have just moved to the area or have decided to try chiropractic for the first time, you have plenty of options in our region. Our office routinely sees patients from not only SD and WY, but also Montana, North Dakota, and Nebraska.
A few tips when looking for a chiropractor in the Rapid City, SD area or any other state.
Whenever I have an existing patient ask for a recommendation for a chiropractor in a new city or state, I usually give them the same answer. If I do not know of a specific provider in that city, I will recommend they visit with a few of the locals for recommendations. They are often more than happy to share any knowledge such as type of adjustments and other practice habits.
If you are happy with prior care, try to find another practitioner utilizing similar techniques. Again, this type of information can be found by asking a few people at work or in your new neighborhood.
Whenever possible, carry phone numbers and addresses of prior chiropractors and other medical providers. This becomes helpful if a request of records is necessary.
Following a move to a new area, the last thing you need is the stress associated with finding a new DC that practices similar to what has worked in the past. All it takes is a few questions from your new friends and colleagues and the chances are, you will find the right doctor for you.
To Your Health,