Today I would like to touch on a few topics which might make it a little easier to eat better and stay healthier. Hopefully, you will find these tips interesting and incorporate them into your daily ritual.

healthy girl

The first topic I would like to touch on is GMO’s. Mainly because it is an important and controversial issue. For those unfamiliar with the term, GMO is the abbreviation for “genetically modified organism.” These are grown because they are fast and typically produce a large yield. I have yet to find any good research demonstrating the safe ingestion of these products. But, at the same time, I have really not read much on the dangers of eating GMO foods. To avoid these, just look for non-GMO foods.

Another chemically charged product is the e-cigarette. Many folks use this product to attempt to quit smoking. Some say it is as effective as a Nicotine patch. Unfortunately, research is showing many people are still smoking a year or longer after starting e-cigs. Also, this is a poorly regulated product and the chemical found in them may or may not be what you would want in your body.

How about gluten? Gluten-free diets seem to be the latest craze for all that ails you. This type of diet has been found to be very helpful for those suffering from celiac disease. Be careful though, because it is definitely not a diet for everyone. Gluten-free foods do not contain some of the fiber and vitamins needed for healthy digestion. They also are high in calories and many people end up being sick, constipated, and heavier.


One last topic I would like to cover is cleansing, or detoxing. Many people attempt this by purchasing a drink, powder, or sometimes juicing. Many will lose weight in the initial stage, but unfortunately will gain it back and often more as soon as they reintroduce food into their diet. Cleansing of the body is a natural process that is often accomplished well by your kidneys, intestines, and liver.

When thinking about any of these topics, please consult your healthcare provider. At Rapid City Chiropractor, I am always available to help guide you thru any health concerns you may have.


Greg Gruba DC

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